SchoolMessenger Chat

SchoolMessenger Chat

SchoolMessenger Chat is advanced two-way messaging for schools. Teachers and staff can use it to communicate with parents or students through one-to-one or group messages. With no separate app to download, SchoolMessenger Chat allows all of your staff members to work from the same platform, enabling consistency in communication and giving you control over messaging.

Parents and students access messages through the SchoolMessenger Home app.

Far safer than other forms of one-to-one messaging, SchoolMessenger Chat helps protect personal information for school and district staff as well as parents and students.

Launch Toolkit

SchoolMessenger Chat - Teachers & Users
SchoolMessenger Chat - Parents & Guardians

FAQ Guides

Community Outreach

Translated Toolkit Materials


SchoolMessenger Chat Interactive Trainings

SchoolMessenger Chat - System Administrator

  SchoolMessenger Chat: System Admin
Web training course SchoolMessenger Chat: System Administrator opens in new tab

SchoolMessenger Chat - Teachers & Users

  SchoolMessenger Chat: Teachers & Users
Web training course SchoolMessenger Chat: Teachers & Users opens in new tab

All content contained herein is property of SchoolMessenger. Content including, but not limited to, handouts, videos, slides, charts, and pictures cannot be shared by email or on any internal or external websites or social media without the express written consent of SchoolMessenger.